Manual Freedom on iOS & Android

Here is F-Secure's manual on how to activate Freedom on Android:

  • On your Android device, open Play Store, and search for F-Secure Freedome.
  • Select F-Secure Freedome VPN.
  • Tap Install, then Accept. The download and installation begins.
  • Tap Open.
  • Depending on your activation method:
    • Tap Redeem code if you have a subscription code, and enter your code; OR
    • Tap Log in if you have a subscription with F-Secure Total or another provider, and sign in with your credentials.
  • Freedome is ready to protect your privacy.
You can find this here:

Here is F-Secure's manual on how to activate Freedom on iOS:

  • On your iOS device, open App Store, and search for F-Secure Freedome.
  • Tap Get. The download and installation begins.
  • Once done, tap Open.
  • Tap Activate subscription.
  • If you want to help improve the service, leave the box ticked to allow us to collect anonymous data.
  • Tap Accept to agree to the terms of service.
  • Depending on your activation method:
    • Tap Did you already buy a multi-platform subscription? if you have a subscription code, and enter your code; OR
    • Tap Log in if you have a subscription with F-Secure Total or other providers, and sign in with your credentials.
  • Freedome is ready to protect your privacy.
You can find this here:


For some products we provide an executable EXE file for installation. Download this and install your product.
For some products a direct download from the manufacturer is not possible. In such case you can create a free account with the manufacturer's online service, log in there, add / register / activate the serial number * and then download the software from this account.
If you have technical questions about the installation, please contact our customer support. Alternatively, please do contact the technical support of the respective manufacturer directly .

* Some suppliers also refer to the serial number as a license number, activation key, sales number or license code, etc.